Don’t choose between friends and family

Can you choose between your friends and family? 

Friends and family are always being spoken about in one breath. However for some people there is a difference between them, and it shouldn’t.

The objective difference is that you can’t choose your family, but can decide to cut loose a friend and look for someone else. Does this make it easier to remove one person from the equation? If they are real friends, they are important to you. Obviously it happens from time to time that you have a really limited amount of time at your disposal. It is ok to not be meeting up with your friends for a while. But it shouldn’t be an excuse to never respond to their calls, texts or invitations anymore. Not going is fine, but not responding is not done. You can always find some time to let them know that you are really busy. It can even go as far as that they message you on facebook, but you have decided to ditch facebook altogether. Let your best friends know it before they think you are ignoring them.

There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship. – Thomas Aquinas

Family are the people you know the best on the entire world. Especially your parents, they have brought you to the world and teached you everything you know, supporting you to what you have become and have achieved. Don’t underestimate the power of your family being the people you can trust and lean on. It’s true sometimes they do things that don’t make us trust them. Nothing hits as hard as your family doing something wrong. You always looked up to them and they were your biggest example.

However your family is your family, if you have them at your side you will always be stronger. Consider if you can forgive them and continue to build on your relationship with them. The same thing goes for your friends. If they are the friends you have always been able to talk to and trust you know you will want your friendship to recover. Friends and family should come out in one breath. They are very similar and they can boost you as no one ever can. If you support them, you will receive help from them when you need it.

2 thoughts on “Don’t choose between friends and family”

  1. Friends can turn into family and family are people who will always be there for us! People often make a mistake of choosing one of the other but we shouldn’t have to choose because of the importance they hold in our lives and of how distinct they’re. Loved the post !

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