Going through though times improves your mental strength

Mental power
Mental strength

Covid has everyone standing on their toes. There is the risk of getting ill, losing your job or have any of the above happen to family or friends.

There are multiple ways that you can act upon bad weather hitting you. You could worry about why it happened to you or get back up and build your mental strength so that you can protect yourself in the future. When are currently are having problems you should focus on the here and now. But realise that in future you will be better from this moment.

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds! – Marcus Garvey

Anyone can get hit by unfortunate things in life. You are the only one who decides how your react to it. You can feel defeated and stay down, which is fine for a couple of days. But after that first shock you should get back on your feet and find a way out. It may not be easy to get out of it, but doing something everyday will get you there. Allow yourself to think different from everyone else. See it as an opportunity to change your life around. This can be losing your work and transition into an other field of work or go work in a different area.

It could also happen that you end up becoming ill. This can be the reason you needed to start focussing on your overal health. Covid in an infection and there are two requirements to become infected, you have been in contact with the infection and your immune system can’t fight off the infection. There are enough situations to become sick despite a great immune system. Yet if your immune system is lacking the possibility to get sick increase greatly. Learn from the current situation and improve your immune system. Read our next article about some ways to improve your immune system.