Stay connected with family and friends despite Covid

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Find new ways to stay connected

In our last article we talked about how we should abide by the rules protecting us against Covid. The end of the year holidays will not be the same as the other years. However this doesn’t mean you should abolish you principles and your connection with family and friends.

This year it’s difficult to invite friends and family to be together for the holidays. You can still contact them, give them a call, invite them over on an other day, go on a walk with them a day before, chat with them on an online platform. There are plenty of ways to stay in contact with them without having to invite them all at the same time.

We are all now connected by the internet, like neurons in a giant brain. – Stephen Hawking.

During the normal days of the week we are connected to everyone through our phone, on social media. Why shouldn’t we take advantage of this now? If a pandemic like this happened 100 years ago everything would be much different. The biggest thing is that we wouldn’t be able to not invite family and friends over but still remain in contact with them. There are so many methods out there that you can try out and see which one is best.

Give them a call, send them a text, or search for even newer technologies. The last thing you want to do is follow the Covid rules strictly and by doing this have your relationships suffer heavily from it. Unfortunately it is really difficult for your relationships to not be harmed at all during these times. However if you make sure to not forget your family and friends it is even possible to have a better relationship afterwards. Instead of only visiting them on holidays you can give them a call more frequently and be ready to help them where needed.

Don’t let the pandemic damage your relationships. Try to come better out of this storm than you were before. #StayConnected