Set your goals for 2021

What goals are you going for this year? 

Despite the difficult year we have managed to enter into a new and better year. In last article we took a look about how our year went. We might not have finished all the things we desired because of the pandemic. But this doesn’t has to demotivate you, it can even motivate you to achieve great things for the new year.

Still have some goals written down that you are willing to work towards? There is nothing wrong with taking them into the new year. Aslong as you can set your mind to the task it is fine. If you notice that the goal isn’t achievable at the moment and it demotivates you don’t worry, leave it behind. It is not important which goals you complete, find some achievements that you can strive for and actually achieve. Do you have a goal from 2019 that still haunts you in the back of your head? Is there some burning desire to tackle it again and succesfull this time? Go ahead and grab it right now and succeed on it.

When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps. – Confucius

Do you have some goals left from 2020? Take a look if everything went fine, but if something hindered you to achieve them. If it was the pandemic that stopped you don’t be bothered. It has happened to a lot of people and it has nothing to do with you. Was there another reason? Find the reason and see why it stopped you. Can you prevent it from happening again or are you better protected against it? Prepare well and manage your goals to the best of your abilities.

Was it the goal itself that made it look impossible? Go ahead and adjust the path on your way to achieving it. Set some minor goals on the way that motivate you to keep going. It is not only the goal itself that makes it great to achieve it, also the path towards it will benefit you in many ways. For example if your goal is to never have to worry about your stamina you will be doing many bike rides, going for walks and other activities. But it you wouldn’t enjoy them what would be the benefit of obtaining it? Make sure to go on routes you like, invite friends or family to go with you once in a while. Adjust to their speed and have a great time with them while going for your goal.