Determine how your goals are looking

review goals
Check up on your goals

The weirdest year is almost over. When it is finished it should be forgotten about quickly. There is one last thing we need to look at before closing it off.

Everyone has sets goal for themselves, some do it written, other only think about it and others have them without even thinking too much about it. This is the perfect moment to see what goals you achieved, which ones you haven’t done much for and others that you have to adjust that you finally can accomplish them. Learn the reason why they haven’t been completed and get back stronger.

Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now. – Denis Waitley

Have you managed to surpass all the expectations last year? Great! Have some unfinished goals? Don’t be dissapointed and go for them ever harder this time. To determine how well you have done despite the circumstances look at the people around you. Have they managed to complete their goals, where it the same goals which were also hard during the pandemic? Checking up on your goals aren’t as black and white as it is on other years.

The stage in which your goals should be at right now depends on how good or bad you were influenced by the pandemic. Did you get sick or got fired due to economical consequences? Don’t bother beating yourself up on not completing some of your goals. Determine what goals you want to achieve next year. Make sure to add in some goals that you can do completely from home during a lockdown. This way next year we can be proud of our result.