Dare to dream

Dare to dream
Challenge what you think is possible

It’s always good to realise what is possible and what isn’t. But what stops us from achieving new high standards? Thinking we know what is possible will move us away from things that might be possible but just never have been done before.

In current environment most people are brought back with their feet on the ground. They figure out that it has become harder to fulfill their wildest dream. We have to be realistic on what we can do, but that doesn’t mean you are allowed to dream to achieve bigger things in life. Take this blog for example. I could be brought back to thinking small and stop writting articles. But why would we think that way? Aslong as you maintain a healthy portion of realistic view on the world you can still do things outside of your daily routine. You can still work hard on activities that others wouldn’t even think to start.

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. – Anatole France

Especially during the pandemic w have to attend to daily activities that bring in the money to survive. But at the same time you can dream big and do the little things that will bring you ahead later on. This can be starting a blog, learning a new skill, experimenting with a new field of expertise and so on. Participate in activities that will help you later on, and don’t forget to believe in what you do. If you believe in your dream and you work hard towards it you will succeed.

Dreaming how your life should be allows you to stay immensely focussed on the daily habits you have to maintain. Your motivation will be very high and you can continue without questioning what you are doing. The advantage of dreaming big is that you keep pushing forward and if you just shy away from accomplishing it you will still have achieved big goals. For example if you plan on becoming financially independant at age 40. When you turn 40 but have not succeeded at it you will be much further ahead then your peers. Because when you set an (financial) goals, you will be much more likely to work hard for it, both on your job and on decreasing your expenses.

Despite the pandemic, dream big. Even if it might not be achievable in the next few years you will be working towards it and achieve more then you would expect.