Become better at anything by improving your efficiency

Improve your efficiency

It’s great to become succesfull in life, to achieve this efficiency is a goal to achieve. The more efficient you become the more you will improve. When you set big goals for yourself you are looking to accomplish great things.

The easiest way to succeed at anything is by shortening the time you need to spend on it. let’s look at an example. If you want to become a doctor you need to study hard and long. How will you spend your study hours? Constantly trying to memorise every detail, writing down what you are learning, researching informaton around the course, or something else? Someones most efficient method doesn’t have to be the same for you. It might be better for you to pre-read the information before class. While someone else will be taking in the information during class and review it afterwards.

The men who succeed are the efficient few, they are the few who have the ambition and will power to develop themselves. – Robert Burton

Being efficient doesn’t always mean that you spend the least amount of weeks on the task. You can also split your time up for different goals. If you have an exam in 2 weeks you can choose to study for the entire period. Others may focus themselves the last week. Some would study for a couple of days and then review it before the exam starts. Everyone has their own efficient method to accomplish their goals.

Succesfully becoming efficient allows you to show motivation and willpower. Instead of being distracted by scrolling on your social media, texting your friends or going to get a snack you can continue towards completing your task at hand. However this article is all focussed around one word, it doesn’t hurt to also look the other way. What can you do to reawaken yourself, how can you get back to work? Instead of solely looking at the task consider if you should put it on rest for a short while.

Your studying speed will improve if you take a break. Go out for a walk or a hike around the block. Emptying your mind for a bit allows you to go at it ever harder when you return. Our next article will be about adapting deadlines that other people set for you and how efficiency can help you with it.