Life is here

live in the moment
The moment is here

By posting on our social media we all post about our current moment to let other enjoy and talk about what we did. It feels great to see people like and complement us for our pictures and stories. In these times we talk to friends online and talk about our moments that we share with pictures. Despite this way of communication it is highly advisable to live in the moment from time to time.

Are you going on a nice hike in the open? Consider closing your phone off or remove any sounds on your phone. The world will not end a few hours without a phone. Even better the world will open up completely if you enjoy the moments that you share with your friends and family.

Allowing yourself a phone free walk in nature is something people could actually do. But going even further is going to meet up with friends without using your phone all evening. Just look at your friends and talk about how their life is. You will instantly feeling a deeper connection. Agreed if they allow themselves some time without their phone. If they pull up their phone, don’t give up. It is not needed to feel dissapointed and get your phone out. Just wait patiently and enjoy the moment. Be able to leave your phone out for a while will help you out in so many situations. Making situations that you need to be patient a lot more bearable.

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. – Buddha

Thinking, even worse worrying, about the past is the worst thing you can do. What has been done is in the past, and can’t be changed. You can however change your present moment and therefore change your future. It doesn’t hurt to choose some moment to keep your future in mind. By focussing on what is really important for your future in the current moment. Do what needs to be done.

When you start living in the here and now you will find that all the daily activities can be more pleasant. You will be able to feel the moment and not just endlessly worry about what you did wrong yesterday or what can happen tomorrow. You will live with less stress and you will become happier.