The importance of mental health

mental health
The truth about mental health.


Why is our brain so important, but is yet so unspoken?

How long has it been since you have talked about your mental health or about someone who is close to you? As a matter of a fact it is a bigger taboo than homosexuality. Because of this perceived difficult place of this topic in our society there is no one willing to show their vulnerability.

It shouldn’t stay this way. A while ago there were topics that no one was willing to talk about. Look at us now accepting tattoos and piercings in normal conversation. That being said, conversation about a topic does not mean that everyone needs to agree on it. As long as we can slowly remove the fear to talk about our mental balance I will be more than happy.

So how can we influence our society to accept dialogue about mental health, and more importantly, mental problems. This is where everyone of you reading this will come into play. Your exercise is to be open to the people around you. Don’t rush through your life. Stop and listen to your friends, colleagues and strangers. Go even further and listen to what is not said.

Our society priorities the visible signs of health and illness. If there is one thing to take from this article: stay open to invisible signs of mental imbalance.