How to be less materialistic with money

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Money can be more than materialistic

With money a lot of products can be bought, but only looking at that isn’t what most parents and teachers learn us. When you have enough money you could but them, but you can also just continue on your path knowing that you have the possibility to buy something when you need it.

Saving and by extension investing are tools to utulise to be able to improve in any area of your life or to do this for family and friends. You will have the means to and end, anything you set your eyes on will be in your reach. Have to undergo some hefty treatment, have an expensive hospital bill, have to move your family towards a place with better air? With money you can do anything that needs to be done, without being superficial.

A wise man should have money in his head, not in his heart. – Jonathan Swift

If you are only focussed around money you would do anything for it. Work late hours everyday, never taking time off with family, not meeting up with friends, in short have money as your number one focus. In comparison to this you should think about money, not focussing on it as your only goal. This means that you can take smart money decisions because you want to pay off your debt and want to support your family. Aslong as the hapiness and the health of your family are more important.

Once you realise what is important in life you can focus on those things. Money shouldn’t be in your mind constantly. Only know that you should be considerate of what you spend it on. Prefer to participate in a new activity with friends or family rather than buying your fiftieth investment. When you have your priorities in order it’s a matter of letting other know what the boundaries are. Yes you are willing to go on a vacation trip with your family paying for it, but not if it’s an exorbitant amount relative to your income. The better known the boundaries become the less challenged these boundaries will become. It will be like that for you and for the people around you.