Be glad you can help others

Enjoy helping others

In life we often search for methods to spend our time to enjoy ourselves and to spend money to make other people happy. It doesn’t have to be like this. It can be done with minimal efforts, just share your time or your knowledge and you can receive a nice smile in return.

Going to the cinema, going to shop or going for a drink are all fun. But making someone else happy doesn’t have to cost anything. Want to surprise your parents? Clean up your room without being asked to do so, wash their car while they they went shopping with the second car. Want to surprise your partner? Do the long overdue dishes, repair something in home that has long been broken, if possible prepare a meal before they return home. It doesn’t have to be difficult, when it is not expected is when it is best received.

By helping others, you will learn how to help yourselves. – Aung San Suu Kyi

Helping other people is not just about making them happy, it also improves your own feelings. It benefits you immensly without needing to do anything difficult. You will become happier by helping someone and you will have an increased feeling of self-worth. It contributes to how other people feel and you will get the same benefits. When you start helping, others will see it and start to spread the positive influence and help others on their own.

Solving problems for people around you can help you figuring out how to solve the problems in your life. For example you can help a colleague at work with something that is difficult for them. But at the same time you will see them chipping away at their work showing something that you can learn from. An example is they might have a problem writing down a final notice towards a client. While they have a very good knowledge of the French language. So next time you have to write something in French you will be able to ask them for help. This way you can teach each other something usefull.