Don’t make the same mistake again

Which route are you taking? 

Life has many opportunities and choices waiting for us. It’s never a bad idea to weigh all your options. It’s better to be cautious and look at all the posibilities rather than taking a decision in a second and regret it later. An example for this is deciding whether or not you want to go to university and what direction you want to head on. Some subjects are really usefull at any work and some are just great skills to have in your life. Useful subjects could be health, finance and yes even math.

If you decide to go to university choosing your major is really important for the rest of your carreer. It should initially being decided on focussed around you interests. A second thing to consider is the use for the subjects in your life despite the carreer opportunities. Studying is great, but a lot of people end up in a carreer path very differently from what they have studied. If you can still use the information in your life it has not been a waste. The last thing to look at is if the major is being chosen by many people that you will be fighting against for the same job. At the same time if there is a major that no one chooses there might be a reason for it.

You can never make the same mistake twice because the second time you make it, it’s not a mistake, it’s a choice. – Steven Denn

There are a lot of possible mistakes in life, the one bigger than the other. It’s normal to make mistakes and people who don’t show you a little compassion for your first small mistake might have problems themselves.  Making mistakes is inherent to being human. When we make the same mistake over and over again it is no longer normal. We decide that we are not bothered with learning the correct method. An example is meeting up with friends, family or even going for a job interview but arriving late. There can be an occasional tardiness, but having it happen more often that being on time is a problem. Are you 10 minutes late every time? Leave your home 15 minutes earlier and you will not encounter this problem anymore. If you have to hurry every morning and arrive late at anytime you wake up, you wake up too late.

Do you happen to run out of money every month and have to bite through a couple of days wiith no money at all? Solve it by not changing anything, but tracking your expenses in a month. Doing this will open your eyes where you are spending most of your money. Next you can decide whether or not the extra money spent is worth it to not have anything left at the end of the month. Mistakes can be solved easy enough. Unless you make them over and over again. It can lead to getting fired at your work, having your relationship end or causing problems in your relationship with your friend.

First take care of the way you think about mistakes. Always be ready and eager to learn so that you can prevent mistakes from happening. If they still occur learn from them and never make the same mistake again. If it happens a couple of times you have to live with it, so have some self-compassion and make sure you learn from it this time.