Prepare your immune system before winter

Boost your immune system

Yesterday’s article promoted increasing your immune system. To be worth it we need to know how to do it.

To improve your immune system the best advise is to strive for a healthy life. The healthier you live the better your immune system will become. The obvious negative influences are smoking and drinking alcohol. It is not forbidden to get a drink with your friends here and there. But make sure that you are aware that taking a drink has an impact on your immune system.

When you are aware that your health has consequences on your immune system you already half way. If you adjust your life to a healthier lifestyle you don’t need to go further on adjustements. Becoming healthier is the best way to achieve an improvement of your immune system.

You can improve your immune system further by focussing on eating extra vegetables and fruit. For a instant boost in your immune system drink some lemon juice in the morning, preferable freshly squeezed. For preventing a sore throat eating a kiwi a day does wonders. When you nearly have a sore throat you can try some fresh lemon juice or some honey.

Winter is season of recovery and and preparation. – Paul Theroux

Just as important as food is making sure that you get movement in. Your immune system only works at it’s best if you move. If you start getting sick get some activity in. Your body will be able to cure your body a lot faster. When you have had your movement be sure to get a good night’s sleep. Your body will recover from your workout and from fighting the cold. When we are sick we get the advise to rest as much as we can. There lies a truth behind this advise.

Food and working out are the best ways to improve your immune system. When you are already doing these there are still things to consider. One of them is a less liked option: cold showers. It is not the greatest to start when we are at the coldest days of the year. That is why you can slowly get started with it before the winter has come. Before taking cold showers visit your doctor and talk about your general health and potential heart problems.

Taking cold showers promotes your body to react correctly to the sudden cold you are experiencing. Your body takes a break from everything that goes on and instantly focusses on fighting the cold water. This is the perfect preparation for winter.

A different method of improving your immune system is meditation. Our body is very strong, and our mind is very smart. Allowing your body to destress and freeing your mind up, will help your body target sick cells.