Find the balance of your body

Find your balance

There are so many stresses out there that are being placed on our mind and our body. It’s an art to build knowledge of what your body can do, where your limits are and how to keep improving.

Challenges for our bodies can be found in many corners of life. Some intentional some unexpected. Fitness is one of the areas where it is beneficial to challenge ourself and find new areas of growth for our body. It ranges from push-up challenges, cardio challenges to specific high intensity challenges. Throwing in something different from time to time makes sure to keep it interesting for yourself. It allows your body to not adjust to your workout routine too much. Another change can come from adding multiple areas of movement together. Workout in the morning, going for a walk with a friend in the afternoon and doing some stretching in the evening. It will nicely compliment each other.

Your body hears everything your mind says. – Naomi Judd

The question is how much can your body take? Focussing on working out a lot going for bike rides and going for long walks with friends and family may contribute to building up some pain. Your body will in some way listen to how tired your mind is. If you think you will no longer cut it, you wont. If your mind stays strong you will be able to push through for longer. However sometimes you have to allow your body some rest. This can be done with a deload week. If needed you can even prolong it depending on your situation. If for example you have had some pain at your feet everything you would normally do becomes more difficult. Make sure to recover from this taking enough rest.

After recovery is the perfect moment to try and find a new balance for your body. Don’t just blindly start up everything at the level you are used to. Start with anything your body can handle. It may start by just going for a walk for 5 minutes and not going out with friends for a week. Scale it up a bit the next week and focus on doing a short amount every day rather than a 30 minutee walk in the weekend. Slowly you can get back up there, decide what exercise to prioritise. This way you can add in more training week by week to keep on improving and becoming as strong and even stronger than you were before.


1 thought on “Find the balance of your body”

  1. Pingback: 65 – Balance – Beach Walk Reflections: Thoughts from thinking while walking

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