Get rid of the junk in your life

Avoid stacking up junk

Everyone tends to purchase the products they like. But how about purchasing cheap items just cause they are underpriced or because they seem to be decently priced. The same thing goes for keeping products that have been bought many years ago but you don’t feel like getting rid of it despite not having used it in years, maybe even not having used it all.

If something has a nice price and you need it, go ahead and purchase. However going to the shop for a certain item and seeing something else with a discount often gets us into buying it. What is the real cost of buying something cheap that you don’t know you even wanted? Think about the very niche use products that you purchased and still lays in their package or somewhere in the back behind the items you use daily. The new item may seem really usefull, untill you arrive home and see that it takes too much time or effort to take it out.

Buy, buy, says the sign in the shop window; Why, why, says the junk in the yard. -Paul McCartney

Stopping to buy products that you will rarely use is a difficult habit to live with or to quit. A first step is to block a day to clean out your house. Look through all of your storage and find things that have been laying there that you might find usefull but didn’t remember you still had. There will also be a lot of products that you forgot about that you can instantly throw in the garbage. Either it doesn’t work anymore or you have no need for it anymore, possibly even because you bought a second one.

The second step is talking to your friends and family and see what they use. For example there are a lot of kitchen tools that are only made for generating profit, not for giving a benefit to the consumer. There is a wide range of useless tools, apple peeler, pineapple peeler, and so on. All of these tools will barely shorten the time you are getting the fruit ready with, especially considering you are probably only using it for a couple of apples each week. It is annoying to get the tools out, clean them and get rid of them after usage.

The third and most difficult part is getting over your urge to purchase something new. A great tip is to only go for buy the items you wanted to go buy in the first place. Don’t go to a shop without a reason, because you will always be able to come back with something that you will never use and waste your money at the same time.