Everyone is able to stomach different risks

Determine your risk

The greatest things in life aren’t easy to achieve. It’s only the people willing to take calculated risks that will manage to obtain hard goals. What risk you are accepting depends on who you are and how your daily life looks like.

An example of a risk that not everyone can accept is having the insecurity of being your own boss. It’s has many benefits, but also many disadvantages. The main disadvantage is that you have to do everything yourself when starting out and you are running more risk than people working for someone else who has managed to set their business up many decades ago. Yet there are circumstances that can even shake up the most steady companies. So is it actually a disadvantage if you get to see the finances of your company and can have everything under control yourself?

The risk of a wrong decision is preferable to the terror of indecision. – Maimonides

It’s not a matter if you can take a risk but what risk you will take. In our daily lifes we take so many risks that have no potential benefit and others who just have normal rewards possible. Think about smoking, taking (soft) drugs or drinking alcohol. None of them has any advantages, yet we participate in some of them without hesitation. Then why shouldn’t we take risks that have a possibility of receiving a reward?

We cross a busy road to get across the street, we step in our car everyday knowing the risk of taking part in traffic, and so on. All of these have the small reward that you can move forward with your day. What if instead of a small reward or no reward at all we could add some small risks that have the potential for a big reward in the future? One of them is to put some money aside for investing where you can take moderate investing risks for the potential future gains. Make sure to only do it with money you are willing to lose. Another example of a risk is that you keep on challenging yourself where others stay running at the same spot.