Take time for your health

take time for health
Use your time for your health

When we want to change our life we feel like it is going to be a difficult change. One of the difficult parts is finding the time for the change. To be able to become healthier we don’t need to spend hours a day.

Freeing up just 30 minutes of your time can improve your life immensly. It can be as easy as using 10 mins of going for a walk and adding 20 mins mins spread around your day to go for a water or a piece of fruit.

Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until the have been depleted. – Denis Waitley

The quote of Denis Waitley really hits home without us paying attention to it. Our time each day is limited, every day is just as long as the one before it. So if you notice you fill your today with activities that don’t matter, learn from it and change your next day.

Objectively look at yesterday. When were you really productive? What did you do that you regret if you look back at it? Take a honest look at your day. Those 30 mins straight after work that you took a rest in your couch, was it needed? Or could you have taken the time for a workout and feel even better afterwards?

Make your health a priority. You will have your time spent much better now and in the future. Everyday you will feel better and that day that you would normally lay sick in bed, will remain a productive day.

Tomorrow we will give tips on how to free up some of your time for your health.