Free up your time for your health

Time for your health is now. 

Yesterday we talked about how it is important to create time for our health. The only we actually do it is by freeing up time in our daily life.

To start it is important to think about times in your day that are busy but that you able to free up. This can be completely different for everyone. For example if you have an hour long lunch break at work that you can’t get filled up. Take some of the time to go for a walk with some of your colleagues.

To make the changes consistent it is best to take a standard moment of your day that you add a very slight change. Have a big parking at school or at work? Leave earlier at home, you will have time for possible traffic jams and you can park a bit further. So you can have a healthy walk before and after your activity.

Those who think they have no time for healthy eating will sooner or later have to find time for illness. – Edward Stanley

You choose yourself how much time you want to free up for your health. But think about the consequences. You will increase your ability to manage your time and on the long term you will feel much better. It can even help you by avoiding getting sick of reducing your downtime when you get sick.

Another option to create some free time is by taking a look at your daily social media use. You would be surprised how much time you can create if you limit your social media use. This can be as easy as removing 30 mins of facebook scrolling. This gives you enough time for a nice, fun walk.

A great and very underestimated way of changing your life is through your friends and family. We all know how important health is, but we don’t find time to work on it. What if you ask your friends out, but not for a regular night out? Instead invite them for a nice walk in a park. Your friend will get to know you better and maybe you will find that your friend wants to change his/her life as much as you. This can help in the future for not having to feel guilty anymore for ordering a water on a night out.