Find your movement to a better body


What is your secret to more movement?


we all have heard or read a succes story of a body transformation. Should we however blindly follow the steps as explained in the ‘how to get healthier fast’- articles?

Articles of succes stories give a new view of how we can start our own progress. It is however as the name suggests a succes ‘story’. A story has a protagonist who initiates the movement. In this context we can take the word ‘movement’ literally. It is the person that is written about in the story that chooses his or her preferred style of movement.

Everyone’s is different both in body and in mind. This means that you shouldn’t listen to one specific advise on how to loose the most amount of weight or to stay healthy. To reach our goals on our health we need to consider and try out different sports. The best sport for you is the one that you enjoy the most and that you can stay persistent with.

Never felt like you found at ease with going for a run or going for a swim? Try out a variety of different sports and movements alike. There is no obligation to have to stick to the popular sports. Why not give Zorbing a go? You can even increase the intensity and go for a water race in a Zorb. (picture above)