Don’t let other judgements influence you

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Don’t seek for anyone’s approval

We grow up wanting to please our parents, being praised by our teachers. In some sense being acknowledged by them means that they think you are working hard and going for the good things in life. But what about having goals that they think are useless but could be beneficial in the end?

Everyone’s decision of what is important in life is different. Your parents could assume that all the time you are spending in playing sports is wasted time if you are not studying. What about the health benefits it has and the relaxation obtained from it? Other activities that don’t always conform with the goals others would have for you consists of: learning languages, reading up on certain topics, getting to know new people, and starting to invest and so on. The last one investing would be highly advised by some and others believe that you only lose your money with that you rather should save everything. It really depends on how the person thinks about. So even though your parents might not like one of your choices, deep down you will know if it’s for your future benefit. Don’t give up on it.

A truly strong person does not need the approval of others any more than a lion needs the approval of sheep. – Vernon Howard

When you are first starting to strive for a goal everyone might be talking down on your goal. My personal goal on achieving health was a difficult one, not really the personal motivation but the fight against what other people think about it. They often complain about the lack of “letting it go”, take a break and so on. It is not meant as an insult, it is just that they want to enjoy together. Some don’t believe that you can enjoy yourself without the health aspect involved. When you are on the journey yourself you learn how to enjoy any situation no matter what you will eat or drink. Going out with friends while being the only one without having a drink is difficult. It is a situation that you have to go through, the next time it will be easier, after that it becomes so easy that your friends will even follow your lead.

When you have a different goal from everyone around you it becomes clear that you think differently from them. The longer you maintain your momentum towards it the more the benefits will outweigh the negatives. Friends and family will no longer question your decisions and they will even assume that you stick to your habits. For example of always drinking water instead of something different. In time they will appreciate how much you stood up for your goal and how you wanted to achieve it. You will be complemented for how much you pushed on it and you will be asked how you did it and to guide them through it. Because how you turned your friends into accepting this change it becomes so much easier on others wanting to strive for it as well. No questions will be asked about them wanting to change and if the questions arrive you are there to support them all the way.