Have your friends help you

Everything becomes easier if you do it with friends.

Yesterday’s article was about how you can motivate your friends to join you on your journey to a healthy life. We spoke about how you can help your friends with becoming better.

Today we will look at the opposite side, how can your friends help you? In the first instance it’s important that your friends are aware of your goals. If they don’t know what your plans are, they can’t help you. Talk to your friends and show them that the changes are here to stay for good. If one of your friends is already on their way to a healthy life, don’t be afraid to ask them for tips! They are passionate about their new life and they are more than willing to share it.

Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light. – Helen Keller

No matter how your situation looks, it is always easier with your friends at your side. having a friend show up for a run or joining you on a healthy meal makes it so much more enjoyable. Your friends are there for you when you need them. This includes the moment where you are thinking about not continuing your healthy lifestyle.

Stay friends with your long lasting friends and let them see your changes. But also look for friends who strive for the same goals as you. Keep them close to obtain motivation from seeing them persist. We all get influenced by how our closest friends act. We unconsciously copy our friends activity level and we mirror their eating habits. If your friends are going out to have some fast food, what is the chance that you will join them? This also goes the other way. If you meet up with people who are like-minded, there is a bigger chance that you end up eating healthy.