Never give up on your goals

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Never give up

We all have our own goals, some of which are not shared by many people out there. Especially the people close to you might not like your goal and will resist it. This can make it increasingly difficult to continue towards your goal. No matter how important their opinion is to you if you set a goal don’t let yourself be put off by the opinion of others. Friends and family might not like your goal, but it shouldn’t stop you from going for it.

Rare goals are often give a lot of benefits in the future, but you know no one who has reached it before. Therefore you will have no support to reach the goals and it is difficult to imagine reaping the benefits in 10 years from now. So it’s important to know that despite you can’t see the benefits yet that you don’t give up on striving for the goal. Sometimes it only takes only 15 minutes a day to make a huge difference for your future. An example for this is slowly learning another language, which you will be able to use to expand on your qualities.

You can’t give up! If you give up, you’re like everybody else. – Chris Evert

Setting yourself a goal is easy, knowing what steps to take is a bit harder, the hardest is following through and accomplish your goal. Starting something new isn’t hard, over the world every second there are thousands and thousands of goals being started. Unfortunately so many of them are being ditched sooner or later. Don’t let this happen to you. If you know that a certain goal isn’t right for you and you wont stick to it, change it before you start. No one has a benefit from starting a goal and not finishing it, unless you reap minor benefits from partial completion. As it stands building your health has advantages even if you haven’t completed your goal fully.

When life happens to you it’s easy to free up time and to relax by dumping your goals. But what was the point of striving for them if you ditch them completely after the first roadblock? If something happens like you are laid off from your work, a family member becomes sick or even dies there is no shame in turning it down and even taking a break. However if you still want to complete it you are free to get back to it and scale it back up whenever it is possible. For example when my brother died I was focussing on many goals at the same time. One of them was studying for my degree. That was the only goal I continued, while being focussed on it slightly less. Everything else was put on a back burner. After a couple of months some of the goals where picked-up again, other had to wait for a couple more months. Now 7 years later everything is back to speed, some goals achieved and new ones took their place.

Despite hardships on your way you can always find a way to maintain going for your goals. If something terrible happens no one stops you from taking a step back from your original plan. After that you can re-focus your energy.