Building your network of people

Who do you spend your time with? 

Social media is important for many of us, we tend to crave social contact and fill it by scrolling through social media. We do this to see what our (old) friends are doing and so we know what is going on in their life. It is true that we need to be there to support our friends in need. This can also be done with less social media presence and more reaching out to friends when we barely hear anything from them.

Social media like linked-in is a great way to build a network. Being on the social media all the time will unfortunately prevent you to make some new connections. For example look on the public transportation or walking out in public. While we are busy looking at, often useless, pieces of information we miss out on a lot of potential new contacts. Having down time waiting for your train to arrive gives you time to get in contact with the person standing or sitting next to you. If making the first move for the conversation is too much just put your phone away, look around and smile when someone looks at you. This will open up a moment for them to approach you and you never know if you end up being best mates or learn something from them in that short conversation.

Be nice to people on your way up because you’ll meet them on your way down. -Wilson Mizner

We meet so many people in our life, we tend to focus too much on ourselves when we are surrounded by other people. When life is going great it is too easy to let everyone stand on the side. One of your friends might not be in the same financial situation as you. Don’t give them everything but share your knowledge and look for a way for them to join in on the fun part. It will only cost you some time to do this, but they will remember the work you have put into bringing them to a better place. If something bad happens to you they will not forget it. The people that seen you as a positive influence while becoming better will remember you when it is taking a bad turn.

Don’t help other people expecting something back later. Only give and help others just for the sake of it. Share your time and passion while focussing on your goals. If you slip and fall they will be the first to help you out, no matter at what distance they are. Reach out to your friends when you see they are having a difficult time and see the favor unexpectedly return. Giving something, may it be knowledge a gift or a helping hand, will not only improve their life but will have benefits for you. You will feel great sharing, you have a purpose for a part of your extra resources and you improve your network.