The longer you are on your health journey the easier it becomes

Health is essential to our well-being

Attempting to get a better health is a life long journey. You better get used to make healthy decisions because you will have to make them often. Despite how difficult it may seem before starting it the longer you are aiming for your health the easier it becomes. You will learn to appreciate the healthy food, will love the movement. Every step you take will make it easier on yourself in the future. You will build more muscle that in turn will burn more calories. For the ladies under us it doesn’t have to scare you away. Muscles will not be popping up in no time, or else everybody would be walking around like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

At the start everything requires a lot of willpower to succeed in it. To decline that offer going to eat fastfood, to stop after 2 beers, to not continue eating after already being full. The more often you take these decisions the easier they will be made. People around you will understand how it works for you and they will no longer ask to join in on the cheat meal the same as before. They will ask if you go with them but not for the unhealthy food, just for joining them and to enjoy your time together.

A healthy outside starts from the inside. – Robert Ulrich

We tend to only focus on the big picture: we need to eat healthy and work out to become healthy. One of the steps that we forget is that it starts with your mindset. If you put a strain on yourself by becoming healthy you will never maintain the new lifestyle. That is why changing your old habits cold turkey is not the best method. You shouldn’t feel like you are forcing yourself, rather seek the enjoyable side from it, and allow yourself to have some fun from time to time even if it means eating a cheat meal. For example if you normally ate unhealthy 5 days a weak, turn it down to 2 days. This is enough to see some initial change in your health, but your mentality will stay strong.

After maintaining your healthy lifestyle for a while you will encounter new problems that you would never thought possible. Your friends and family were used to your new self, but they never thought you would stick with it for this long. They will be happy for you, yet instead of it being a temporary change it will become part of you forever. It will be clear to them and some people don’t like permanent change that they don’t feel comfortable in doing themselves. It will influence their life if you want it or not. Just make sure that you acknowledge them and explain why you are doing it. So they will continue to support you.