Accepting constructive criticism

do you allow someone else to look at your work? 

When we have worked hard at something we are inclined to think that it is the best we could do. Having someone else look at it is difficult, especially when they give their honest opinion about it.

Some people will only give destructive criticism. They will claim that you didn’t spend any time on it, that it is a disaster and maybe even that you will never learn how to do it properly. For example if you had a math exam that you horribly failed the teacher can make a big deal about it or they can look for the reason that it didn’t work out this time. Did you not understand the chapters, did you have a bad day or did you have some personal problems that made it impossible to work hard enough on it? if only destructive criticism was given you can still attempt to learn from it by knowing what they are doing wrong and how you should never act the same as they just did.

If someone feels afraid to tell you honest criticism, then you’re never going to improve. – Cole Sprouse

Learning something on your own gives you a sense of accomplishment that you succeeded on you own. Yet the biggest learning moments come from when someone else tells you where it went wrong and how you can do it better next time. Don’t make the mistake to think that when anyone approaches you about something wrong that it is to put you down. If they don’t tell you about it you don’t know it was wrong and you can never adjust to do the correct thing. This is why you should make it clear to the people around you that it is ok to approach you about it and that you even like it. At first this is difficult, but it is the best method to continue to grow.

Especially on the workplace it may feel threatening and it could even potentially hurt your chances of a promotion or a raise. In the long run it is better to be learning from it now than figuring it out in 3 years that you did it wrong since the start. Rather have your knowledge expand now than continueing silently and have the negative effects in a couple of years. People who want show you what you did wrong want to help you, they don’t do it to put you in your place or hurt you. Well, most people don’t. If they do you will notice it quickly enough and figure out that it isn’t constructing what they are doing but demolishing. learn from everyone around you. If your boss is pointing at every little mistake and tells you that you are failing see how you should never be as a boss. Plus look for a different job in your free time, it may not be you that is doing the things wrong. You may be making some mistakes, but it’s possibly because they never took the time of teaching you. No one knows everything without the correct guidance.