Create time to do less

doing nothing
Sit around do nothing

To find out what the effect is of doing nothing we only have to turn to our children. When they come back from home they do homework, preferably take part in a hobby and with that their entire day is filled. However you should find some time for them to do nothing. It is at that time they have to figure out for themselves what they can do to fill the time. Agreed most of the time it will end up being some kind of screen time. This is not the best alternative, so instead of creating that time at home do it when you are together going somewhere.

In first instance letting them do nothing in the car is not the best method. We still want to pay attention to the road. If you are planning a trip somewhere don’t park as close as possible to your destination. Find a spot a bit further so you can walk. Gradually change your habits. When going out to eat at a restaurant bring something small to do together. For example a pack of cards or find some word games to play while you wait. This way they turn to you to do something instead of their screen. The next step is to find moments where they are ok with doing nothing but waiting or looking around. If you are not providing activities and they don’t feel like doing nothing they will have to dig into their own creativity.

I use this time to think. – Anthony T. Hincks

Doing nothing the entire day is not the best way to spend a day. However neither is filling up every day completely. Sometimes we need to have some alone time where we can be less active. Instead of completely filling up your day with activities and hobbies, keep some free time. Or plan in a session of relaxing in the park sitting and enjoying the moment and your environment.

During times that we have nothing at hand we can think or let our our minds roam freely. Doing nothing from time to time is not a waste of your time. It is using your time in a different way. Doing something different is not always bad.