Everyone likes different foods what do you like?

Which food has your preference

Everyone is so different, while we have neighbors who can have similar hobbies, grown up in the same situation yet our eating habits can be completely different. Luckily everyone is different, but the distance between two people’s tastes can be so far from each other. One might have a sweet tooth, love fastfood or crave a good healthy meal.

If you haven’t seen your siblings in a while, or you have but not as often, you can give it a try. Ask about the foods they used to love. Are they still their favorite meals? Have they changed dishes, or have they just stopped eating it as often as they did before? While it is difficult for someone to completely change preference it is still possible. In the past it has helped many people change their life and improved their health. Not eating as much as before and taking away all your cravings is a way to lose weight. The question remains if you will be able to maintain this method of living, or this method of suffering.

Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are. – Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

A better method of improving your weight is by slowly looking for healthy foods that you really enjoy. It may go from preparing a pizza on your own with healthy choices, buying fruit for when you are hungry, cooking a meal instead of ordering food or even to buy a healthy snack to stay full instead of resorting to going for fastfood. The keyword is “preparation”, the better you prepare for possible moments of hunger or your cravings the better choices you can create for yourself. Think about loving to eat pizza, but you are able to postpone it a day. Then why not make a pizza before the next time you crave it? You can put anything you want on it and it will be healthier than one you order.

Some people like to say you are what you eat. This is a difficult phrase to accept to it’s core. Yet it is tru that we get our nutrients from the foods we eat. If we never eat vegetables we will not gain the benefits from what they can provide. As written above it is possible to change your habits and to improve what you eat. Depending on what you eat right now others can try to assume things by looking at what foods you eat. A better thing to consider is what happens when you switch things around. Instead of ordering food 3 times a week turn it down one day, instead of only drinking soda and/or coffee swap one drink a day with a glass of water. Every start is difficult, but not throwing away everything you are used to makes it easier to make the transition. If you aren’t ready for the full transition don’t sweat it. Just putting in one small change will already help you a lot in the long run. It might even let you enjoy other drinks or foods that you never considered.