Remove unwanted stress

remove stress
Remove stress from your life

Stress involves us in many ways. One of the unfortunate consequences is your body reacting to the stress. Long ago stress only appeared at life threatening dangers. At these moments stress can help you be more alert and save your life. For example if there is an earthquake you have to be alert to any sudden dangers.

If there is no life threatening situation it is not necessary to become stressed about the small things in life. We should all learn how to cope withn stress. Always look at the positive effects of your situation so you get less stressed. For example when going to take an exam, you know you studied for it and there is nothing you can change by being stressed. Your exam will only feel more draining if you are stressed while taking the exam. Tomorrow we will talk about how you can prepare for a more stressfull exam, the oral examination.

The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another. – William Jones

When you have a big day coming up in a week make sure to prepare for it as much as you can. On the night before don’t wind yourself up. Find a way to calm yourself down and get a good night’s rest. For a good night’s rest get moving. Go for a jog, even a short walk in nature can help you sleep better and at the same time reduce your stress.

Already tried out ways to reduce your stress, but remain stressed? Change your way of thinking about your challenge. Talk to friends and family to get some motivation from them and get some tips on how to improve for you specific challenge. Once you are completely prepared, understand that you have done everything you can to prepare, the only thing left is to give it a go. By starting the challenge you have already completed 50% of your task.