Letting your machine work well requires a lot of work

Build your machine with the right sources

To survive we all require food, there are many choices to pick from. Because food is so important we look for a easy way to feed ourselves, this sometimes prevents us to consider our options.

Getting food to support our body isn’t difficult but getting the right one has more challenges. Our body works on any fuel, yet with the best nutrients our body will perform even better, including our mind. To determine how you currently are doing go for a check up with your doctor to see if you have sufficient vitamins. Your doctor can advise you on what specific foods to eat to remain healthy. After intoducing healthy eating your body will detox your body, so at first you may not feel so great. It is after a couple of weeks that you will slowly feel the difference.

One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well. – Virginia Woolf

After implementing healthy food in your life your body will thank you. At the same time your body’s capacity of absorbing the good nutrients will improve, it further accelerates your goal of a healthy life. Striving for a healthy life is often the main or only objective, yet while achieving this many benefits will appear at the same time. Anything that you did before has the potential of being improved just by obtaining one goal. As you have improved health you sleep better, which improves your reasoning skills, your problem solving any anything you come in contact with. You only can perform as good as you feel in your body and mind.

To be able to perform well you don’t only have to study what you have to do. The next step is actually allowing to make things easier for yourself. Equally important as food is the amount of sleep and rest you get. Remember that one exam that you studied late hours right before the exam? How did you perform on it? If you did great then maybe you would have done better with more sleep. Didn’t succeed? The rest could have made you think more clearly and maybe avoided loosing the same grades. Making something work great, even your own body and mind, requires a lot of dedication. The more effort you put into it the better the rewards will be. Maybe it will not be clear in the first weeks, but protecting your body will bring benefits for your future. Your current boss could underestimate you, but maybe at your next work they will appreciate the work you spend on keeping yourself in top condition.