How to lower stress for an oral exam

Minimize your stress

Removing every bad stress we have is impossible. But we should strive for having less stress. To do this we should try to be less stressed about the little things that happen in our life. Having a presentation coming up in a week? Research about the topic so you know more about it and take the moment as it comes. Everyone has some stress to talk in front of a crowd. But we chose how we handle it. See it as a moment to grow as a person, everyone is allowed to make mistakes. They are made for us to learn from.

Moments that deliver you stress are those moments that you either aren’t prepared for or are new challenges. Most of them are situations that you can’t control but you have to participate in them. Giving a presentation or taking an oral exam aree things you can’t choose not to take part in.

Have a oral exam in 2 months that you know will be difficult? Seek for a moment to feel some of the stress in a similar situation before it happens. So that on the big day, you wont feel as pressured. On the day of your exam you already have the pressure of passing your class. When your teacher asks for a volunteer for speaking in front of the class, take the risk and go for it. You will become better in speaking and you will create goodwill from your teacher. If speaking in front of your

It’s not stress that kils us, it is our reaction to it. – Hans Selye

Besides finding ways to reduce the amount of stress you obtain, you determine how you react to the stress. When you are stressed you can get worked up for being stressed. However you can also chose not be influenced too much by it. Be aware of the stress and let it make you alert and be present in your situation.

Are you having stress long before the action happens? Then you should consider some options on how to limit the stress and the influence of it. A common way of battling stress in short and long term is by working towards a healthy life. Eating healthy and getting movement in your life, this will help you manage your life and you stress level better. Finding something you like to do can help you prevent to get stressed or remove it when it happens. Try to play some music, go for a walk or read a book.

In tomorrow’s article we will talk about how stress can also have benefits.