Take your health step by step

healthy habit
Will you turn your health into habits? 

What is the main difference between a sprint and a marathon? Besides that a sprint looks way more difficult for the supporters it also takes a lot less time. Sprinters can’t run a marathon and vice versa. Ofcourse everything is possible, it will just be a lot harder for them. While a sprint is over in mere seconds a marathon requires endurance, to win a marathon you have to spread your efforts to sit through the entire race.

Health is just like a marathon, rather than achieving quick success health is a long race. Consider people who are lifting heavy for 6 months achieves great goals and quit after there first injury. Because they give all of their efforts they get demotivated and are not willing to get back into it. When you are in it for the long run an injury is a minor hindrance that will be solved after you take some rest. Creating a habit makes it much easier, even if this is a small one. For example forcing yourself to do something that day despite your injury. With a small issue in your shoulder you are still able to go for a walk, or do some leg exercises without weight.

A healthy attitude is contagious but don’t wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier. – Tom Stoppard

Hiding yourself untill you see an example on how to do it isn’t necessary. Take the injury as example. Getting injured feels like a failure, because you are lifting weights or going for a run mainly to improve your health. But when you can’t do this anymore you don’t feel as healthy as you did before. This isn’t just how your body reacts it is especially your mind that has to fight. When you see people around you battling an inconvenience it becomes easier to do the same. Why would you limit yourself looking at the people surrounding you? Find the courage to set a new path when something blocks you.

Be the first in your friend’s circle that enjoys a nice walk with them despite having a minor injury. Be the first to look for alternatives and don’t settle with the easy way out: not moving at all. When you manage to implement these techniques you friends and family will see how motivated you are and will follow your example. This will not only help them forward but it will also show you how they handle inconveniences. So you can learn from them for your next battle. Become a leader in striving for health, when a time arrives that is hard for you learn from the people surrounding you.



1 thought on “Take your health step by step”

  1. Pingback: Take your health step by step – TOMMY NAP

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