Get back in your routine

Getting back on track

The pandemic has hit all of us hard, everyone in a different way. Some of us became sick, lost their job, lost family or friends or seen any of the effects to the people we love.

During these times it was completely fine to take a step back and solely focus on survival. Now that things slowly are heading back to normal it’s time to rethink our current strategy. Do we still only go for high performance at our current, possible new, job? Or can we build up something new again on the side? Start an online business, start learning something new or taking on a second job. Now is the time to reflect on what we did during the pandemic and how we can improve in the coming months and years. It was fine to maintain for a while, let’s pay attention and go for growth once again.

Growth is uncomfortable; you have to embrace the discomfort if you want to expand. – Jonathan Majors

During the pandemic there were enough outside pressures that made it uncomfortable for us without looking for it. Now that everyone start to recover it is the perfect moment to look for ways to challenge yourself and your status quo. You could improve your driving skills and take on some delivery hours after work, learn how to wright, how to give presentations about your passions, learn to help people build what they want in their home or teach children how to play music. If you look at your passions you will find something that you can excel in that will benefit you in the long run.

Staying comfortable means walking in place and not looking for ways to improve yourself and the life of the people around you. If you don’t know how to challenge yourself ask the people who you know the best what your skills are. They see you often enough to see what you are passionate in and where you could bring value to the table. Many people have turned down a notch during pandemic, but too many people will stay there. They will crave job security and think that it is the only goal they should have. The best thing to learn is that you never have 100% security. Keep building yourself and improving, so that even if you need to look for something else you will always be beneficial for employers.