How your mind influences your eating

Enjoy your meal

Food is the crucial part in achieving and maintaining a good health. Focussing around your movement is nice, but if you neglect your food intake you will never achieve your goals.

Food is important and the only way of maintaining a healthy relationship with food is when you don’t deprive yourself. Enjoying a not so healthy meal from time to time will allow you to continue on your path to a healthy life. Sometimes it only requires that small cheatmeal to get yourself some motivation to keep pushing forward. Take one step back, so you can take 2 forward. That one step backwards allows you to not feel so limited that you no longer want to follow your plan. Becoming healthy requires a lot of small sacrifices, so you can take small steps forward and remain consistent.

One should eat to live, not live to eat. – Moliere

When we don’t look at our health we see food only as a way to enjoy. At first it seems that only unhealthy food is tasty because there is so much added that it hits the right amount of flavor. For example adding salt in a meal improves the flavor, but adding it to every meal will negatively impact your body. Only choosing unhealthy foods means that you live to eat. You love going out to restaurants every evening, going to grab another fast food meal, snacking in between your meals. Doing this you are living to eat. The only enjoyment you get is by constantly eating whatever you desire at that point.

A different view that you could have is that you eat to live. Food is being consumed to survive, our body needs nutrients to manage to stay alive. Why would you require the tasty food if you know that healthy food also tastes great and will improve your body’s performance? The quicker you start accepting healthy food the quicker you will start to appreciate their taste. Before you know you will be enjoying healthy food and you will no longer crave any unhealthy food. At some point your friends and family will even question why you are always eating healthy. They might think that you deprive yourself of what you really want. But when your health has became so important for you, there will be no longer an problem of choices.