Prepare your future by setting goals

set goals
Think about your goals

We all want to become the greatest ourself. However reaching the big goals in life are not so easy. One of the big goals is becoming healthy. It is a great goal, but to set a goal we need to be more specific. When we set specific goals we instantly know what we need to reach towards and we can determine what we can do to reach it.

An example of a specific health goal is eating healthier or getting in more movement. After writing down your goals you can start writing sub-goals. With these you can get more specific in how you plan to reach your goals. At the same time it is a easy way to follow these sub-goals as steps that you can take daily. For eating healthy you can supplement your food intake by drinking a decent amount of water every day. A different goal can be to change a bad habit. Like turning your habit of not eating in the morning to enjoying a breakfast before starting your day.

Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. – Tony Robbins.

Creating sub-goals isn’t necessary it just can help you have a clear view of what you need to do. A different way to achieve the same result is by reminding yourself to do the things you planned. For example by putting a reminder in your phone. For instance you can put a reminder on the next times: every morning 5 minutes after you wake up, 5 minutes into your lunch time and 5 minutes after you came home. With these reminders you can make sure that at every time of the day you think about drinking enough water or getting some movement in.

Once you anticipate you no longer need your reminders you managed to turn your healthy activities into habits. Having created the healthy habits makes it easier to constantly keep on choosing the healthy option, without having to use your willpower for them. At this point it is time to add in new habits/new subgoals. If you continue step by step you will come closer to your end goals.