Don’t let others dictate your limits

What does your limit look like? 

From child on and forwards people don’t always believe in what you are planning and might not support you on your way to your goals. Only on very specific situations you should allow others to limit your potential. For example speed limits and not driving under influence are a couple of limits you should follow.

When you are not doing something wrong or potentially putting other people at risk there is no need to follow the limit that others put on you. Who says you shouldn’t try to become a singer, a millionare or the next president? Your potential is only limited by the constrains you put on yourself. For example your parents might not want you to be working on a side hustle after your working hours or they can be unsupportive of you investing your hard earned money. As long as you are giving yourself fully at your job and are not cutting yourself short at it you are free to spend your time grinding at it.

You can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get. -Michael Phelps

Some dislike it if you dream what is possible, but if you don’t dream it becomes impossible. Only when you allow yourself to dream you can feel how it can be your reality and what you need to do to move towards it. Once you have achieved that dream you can continue to dream for the next big thing and strive for it. The people closest to you might say you should dream less and be more present in the moment. They are correct if all you do is dreaming and are not taking action on it. However if they see you are working towards it then nothing is wrong with pushing the limits that others put on you. Your friends and family are looking out for you, so that you wont get hurt. Someone with a dream can end up much further than anyone would expect.

If you are thinking about achieving a big goal it’s not abnormal to wonder if it is within your possibilities. Only when you put your mind to work to go for it you will have the possibility to accomplish it. Don’t let others stop you and #nevergiveup. The higher the mountain is the more beautifull the view behind it. With harder challenges come bigger rewards. When you continue to push against and despite the limits that others set you will able to dream of new highs and in turn will find new things to strive for and to continue working hard on it. The more frequent you surpass the limits the more of an example you can set for your children, family and friends.