The surprising super food!

Healthy fluid
The fluid to the rescue of our health.


A apple a day keeps the doctor away.

There could be written a full article about the health benefits on an apple and how it is a super food on it’s own.  However the real superfood can be found in a unexpected form. An apple contains, who would have guessed, mainly out of water. An apple is for 86,7% pure water.

The main idea to increase our health can be found in many directions: Fitness, medecines, fruits, vegetables and so many other sources. The simplest way to increase our health is by choosing a, not so obvious, beverage: water.

The human body is made out of 60% of water. This water regulates a lot of our bodily functions like regulating our temperature or detoxing our body of all the toxins. We use the water for our daily functioning and for complicated functions that we can’t even begin to grasp. Then why should we ignore the need of our body to consume water?

For us to manage to get closer to our end goal of living a more healthy, fulfilled, and enjoyable life we don’t have to rotate our life 180 degrees. Taking small steps, like drinking an extra glass of water, go a long way.