Determine where your potential lies

How does your future look?

It is never easy to know what the direction is of your potential. Consider the area that you interested in, that you have the most experience at or something that you have spent a considerable amount of time at.

Your potential could be found in the area that you are currently spending you time at. However if you haven’t considered it as having some hidden potential, you may need to go look for something else. There may be something lurking around that you haven’t spend any thought on or that hasn’t crossed your path yet. For example you might be working as policeman while you have the heart of a teacher and are interested in investing. You could be a very good investing advisor teaching your clients how to invest instead of solely selling them for your profit. Another example is you could be working a desk job for a large company while you could be a great writer.

Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential. – Liane Cordes

The only way you find your potential is that you don’t back down from trying something new. How would you ever find out if writing is your thing if you never wrote anything? A lot of people write constantly, may it be on social media, mails or (long ago) letters. Writing something is the first step, but an important hurdle to cross is actually publishing it. Everything with a big reward requires a lot of effort. If you never stick your neck out you will never be able to find your true passion. Another example is if you may be good at playing instruments and possibly even giving concerts. If you haven’t tried out any instruments in your life you will never find the passion for it.

Once you found the area of potential growth spend your time on it as much as possible. Keep on working at it and carving your skill. Your potential may be of giving motivational speeches for huge crowds. Everyone around you hates standing in front of a couple of people and talking, while you are looking forward to the presentation or the speech. Don’t focus all your effort on the motivational speeches but broaden your horizon. Volunteer to speak in front of your class, your colleageus. Every niche has it’s own possibilities for growth. Becoming a writer doesn’t require to solely write books of 250 pages. Start with a blog, write Ebooks, write a column, write something for your school or for your friends. Anything that requires you to work towards your potential will help you nurture it.