Spending your time for health

How much is your time worth?

To make the most out of our time we plan ahead and sometimes schedule certain time slots for certain activities. One of the activities we rarely make time for is our health. Everything has it’s time slot: eating, showering, studying, sleeping and so on. But when do we use a slot specifically for health?

Granted we don’t have to put health in our agenda, it can be spread across many different moments without needing one slot for it. However will we think about it, or will it get lost in the bigger picture? For example when we drive to work instead of taking the car we could add an extra 30 minutes for going there to go with the bike, the same thing goes it you are going to a shop for only one small item. Refuse to use your car and count the extra time you will be going to your destination. It costs you more time, but your health will profit from it.

Health is not valued till sickness comes. – Thomas Fuller

Health may not be a problem currently, it’s too easy to forget it for now. When you or someone close to you becomes ill it becomes clear why you should be working on improving your health. So that hopefully your health will sustain itself and if it doesn’t your life will be influenced slightly less because your body can take more hits. Think about the pandemic, people with a worse level of health pre-pandemic were hit more by the illness. The healthier persons had less effects from being ill. Their body was able to take more and recover quicker.

Another component to spend enough time on for your health is enjoying your time with your friends and family. To become succesfull we require to work hard and focus on improvements. But pleasure with friends helps your overal health and your relationship will improve at the same time. If possible attempt to meet with them out and about in the beautiful nature. Going outside helps us with the production of vitamin D, which improves our overall wellbeing.