Use breaks to be more productive

Use breaks to your advantage

When we have a big goal we focus on grinding out. However if we want to achieve the goal faster it’s better to focus on being more productive. Focusing for long hours is not the ideal situation. However at work and while studying it may feel like we have to do it.

When you are studying there is nothing wrong with experimenting for the best method for you to learn new things. Even if you might end up with a controversial method. Personally studying for short intense moments and taking a lot of breaks have helped me a lot. It makes learning enjoyable because you can plan short breaks in between the learning. When you can link learning to having fun it will be much easier to continue learning far beyond the point that others have stopped learning.

There is a virtue in work and there is a virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither. – Alan Cohen

Are you working for an employer? Most corporations realise that forcing eployers to work for hours and hours in one go isn’t the most efficient. That is why it is allowed to plan in your own small breaks when you need them. To go get a drink, to go get some papers, to stop for a short talk with a colleague. Especially the last one is a interesting one. Talking to a colleague can help you get a fresh look at a problem, it can bring a solution that you wouldn’t be able to find in the next hour.

Talking to a colleague, especially one you haven’t talked to, will improve the overall productivity of the company. Since you are able to talk to them, the workplace will be a better place where you feel at home. There is no place like home. So if you feel at home at your work you will enjoy coming to work and it will be more difficult to feel pressured at work. This is better for your well being and it brings benefits for you employer.

So there is nothing but benefits from taking breaks. Take this into consideration and take action – or rather – a break.