Do the right thing

are you only looking at a plan or going for your goals? 

We set many tasks we would like to achieve. Some small, some large, when the goals become bigger the more planning it requires and the higher the risk is that you put more work into planning instead of executing it.

From the moment you have set your goal you start planning. Don’t overlook the time it requires to achieve it. As soon as you know the first step to take be prepared to take it, don’t wait untill your entire plan is made. For example if you are planning to be your own boss in a year or two, why would you wait to make the extremely big jump all at once? Prepare your business ideas and see if you can start while staying at your current job. Aslong as it doesn’t require a lot of money while you are not at your own business there is no reason to wait. If your passion is in repairing cars in your free time and you require to rent a workplace for it, this would cost too much money renting it while working at your current job 8 hours a day. However repairing cars after your hours at a cheaper rate for friends and family is great to get started and to get to know if you want to do it long-term.

Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things. – Peter Drucker

It’s great to be efficient but in the example of starting a business on the side being effictive might be better. After your normal job you will be less efficient, but you can still get the things done. While maintaining stability and to continue building expertise in your 9 to 5 job you can start building on your future. If your dream job happens to be less enjoyable you still have a perfect way out not having left your current job. The moment your business starts picking up speed talk to your 9 to 5 boss and see if a reduction in working hours is a posibility. It might even be possible for them to offer you an alternative possibility. Your work area might allow you to focus on your business in the week and want you to work some hours in the weekend. You would be working your business and be approachable for your clients during the normal hours and help out your last boss in the weekends when it’s difficult to find people willing to work.

There are many ways to reach your goals and one method to do it isn’t better for everyone. An example is wanting to travel to a new country and work there fulltime to pay of the home you are going to buy them. Some will learn a language for years staying in their home country, others will go on vacation or language vacations for a couple of months. Other prefer to build some savings and take a leap of faith by moving to the country and learning the language by forcing themselves. Always keep multiple options in your mind and allow yourself to switch when things don’t work out, or if you notice that you will not maintain your current path.