Stubbornness can be a blessing or a hindrance

What would you do in the situation of the picture? 

As children we were thought to get rid of our stubbornness. The principle is that no matter what is happening you will stick to your thoughts or plans. It’s true that remaining with your thoughts despite good arguments is harmfull. Yet at other times staying your course is the right way to do, despite other opinions.

Let’s get some examples for both views. After your hard work at school you got your degree and want some rest in your life. Doing so for a couple of months and potentially if you stretch it for a year is ok. At some point however you have to start taking on a job. Maybe the area you are looking a job is highly competitive, why would you want to continue your break while you could look for one while taking some rest? A couple months of pure relaxtion is still fine, but wanting more than a year is stretching the imagination of financial stability and security.

Many are stubborn in pursuit of the path they have chosen, few in pursuit of the goal. – Friedrich Nietzsche

Being stubborn on the path you have chosen just for the sake of it can turn out to be a disaster. If reasoning should make you consider if it might be the wrong path to take you shouldn’t just blindly follow the path you are taking. For example when I first started working out I started working out a couple days per week. Once I got used to it the workouts increased to 5 or even 6 times a week. This was detrimental to the gains. Because my body wasn’t able to recover from it. The opposite happens if you focus on the goal instead of the path. If you are focused on health continue eating healthy, getting enough movement and sleep is great. Being stubborn and not willing to take a cheat meal doesn’t hurt your success. This only becomes problematic if you are deprive yourself from it. However if it isn’t hurting you it will make your health better and it will improve your mindset on health.

Being stubborn seems negative for most people, but it can turn to be a blessing in disguise. Instead of being stubborn for no reason you can turn this into becoming stoic. You can have a difficult goal set for yourself and can achieve this without complaining and just do what needs to be done. You will be effective by doing what you planned despite potential problems. If your stubborness doesn’t hurt the people around you or your own growth you can turn it into a positive trait and get plenty of advantages from it. Read our next article and we will explain how to do this!