Principles could be amazing

Do you maintain your principles?

Everyone has principles, most of them aren’t either good or bad. Rather the situation determines how we should look at them. It’s great to have your principles and to stay true to them. Others will find it easier to communicate with you if you maintain your outlook during all situations of life.

For example some people refuse to smoke no matter the situation. Even if peers try to pressure them it wont work. It could potentially make your school years more difficult not being the “cool kid”. Yet your health and your wallet will continue to thank you for the principle that you are maintaining. Don’t give in if you know what you are fighting for is important for you. Others will appreciate your clear vision that you will maintain. Once they have learned to get to know you, they will never have to relearn you. If they see you every day or if they don’t see you for 10 years, you will maintain your ways. In the current world everyone only follow their principles if the situation requires it or allows it. Continue to stay true to your principles will make you very confident and trustworthy.

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. – Thomas Jefferson

There is no beauty nor is it courageous to follow the majority of the people. If you follow the crowd you will get avarage results. This is the perfect method if you don’t want to attract any attention and if you want to “fit in”. However, only when you stay true to your principles and keep on challenging the norm you can outperform anyone around you. Achieving mediocrity doesn’t require extensive explenations and encouragement. To surpass even your own wildest dreams you have to be willing to go far beyond that the average wants to do.

While everyone goes straight, why not take the turn? People look for the easy way out, when you take the other way you are taking a risk which has the potential of a better reward. Your peers will start working for a company and will never look to start something of their own. You with your principles might be looking to start a business while you are working for someone else. With your principles you are the odd one out, but in the long run it can pay-off very well.