The advantage of having goals

Achieve your goals

Without realising it a week, a month or even a year passes after your last success. When we focus on nothing the time just passed by not knowing what you could have obtained. Stay passive and you will never achieve incredible feats.

Most of us are satisfied if we survive our day job for a week so we can finally have some fun in the weekend. Doing this each week, month and year entangles us in the daily activities and will keep us in the same old situation we have been for years. At some point an external influence will negatively impact us and it will shake up our world. No longer you have your stable job, your pretended safe financial future. Don’t trap yourself in the same situation as everyone around you.

A constant struggle, a ceaseless battle to bring success from inhospitable surroundings, is the price of all great achievements. – Orison Swett Marden

Create a passion after your hours either to get some extra income or to improve a certain area of your life that you can apply when needed. You may be interested in numbers and have a keen eye for everything what has to do with taxes. See if you can help friends and family for free so you can learn more on it. You will learn to help yourself and the people around you, it could even end up being a service you can offer. When you set a goal to achieve something like this you have a vision where you can turn to when something happens. Allow yourself to create something that can be done from home, if anything would happen to your body you can still continue to work in a different area from your current job.

Great achievements are often not gained because of activities on your day job. There are nurtured at other moments constantly hustling on achieving a dream. These achievements will not be made with the best surroundings. People who succeed at certain achievements while their situation allowed it and promoted it wont feel like the greatest achievements. Keep on pushing hard for your goals and you will gain an enormous amount of side-benefits. You will become self-confident, knowing your strength and weaknesses and your willpower will become stronger. While you have goals you don’t go through life passively like everyone else. You strive for your goals and will end up with a life you were dreaming about.