Learning is crucial to growth

Focus on your growth

Everyone has a different way of learning. No method is universally better than the other one. However a certain method will be better for you than all the other ones combined.

Some people learn by writing, reading, listening, discussing with other or a combination of a couple of them. The sooner you find your method of learning the easier and more pleasant your experience will be. If you happen to have tried a couple of methods and feel like you haven’t found the perfect one yet don’t give up. There are many unconvential methods of learning that could help you. For example taking your books with you on a walk, taking frequent breaks, asking questions in class, discussing with classmates and so on.

Learning how to learn is life’s most important skill. – Tony Buzan

The reason why learning is so important is because as a baby everyone starts with the same knowledge, none. At a young age we learn how to survive, how to communicate that we are hungry or tired. All the other knowledge and skills will gradually be added and is heavingly depedant on our environment. Yet at a certain age we are free to determine what we want to learn and how to do so. We only become better if we search for methods to improve and we perform on it. For example to be able to hold a job it’s important for us to arrive in time, to know what your boss requests and how to keep your clients happy.

To grow you are required to learn. This is the reason why many people say that failure doesn’t exist. Failing something teaches you how to perform better next time. When you have are teaching someone having the student making a fauly is normal, but a problem rises when they keep on making the same mistake. It means that they are impossible, or not willing, to learn from their mistakes. When you learn from what you did wrong you are growing, without it there is only annoyance for the person learning and the one teaching. Important in this equation is that the teacher tells you what you are doing wrong and how to improve. If someone constantly tells you that you are doing it wrong but doesn’t explain how to do it correctly there is no room for growth. Which is bad for all parties evolved. On the workfield this could lead to getting fired without the need of all the blame to be put on the employee. This can be a really painfull lesson for the employee not knowing they should have been blamed for everything.