How to improve learning

How do you learn?

To improve our life we need to learn things and after that it will require constant upkeep. Children often dislike learning but the more adult we get the more we start appreciating knowledge and where it will get us.

Knowledge is not obtained solely one way. For example at your job you can learn a lot from the people you are surrounded with. This can be your boss, your colleagues, even clients or employees from the competition. The better you pay attention to everything happening around you the more experience you build and the more you can add different knowledge to your list of skills. Important with knowledge is that you also use it. Moving job means you are going into a different environment, but at the same time you can apply things you have learned on your earlier job. This will not only improve your worth for your new workplace, but will also improve the performance of your new colleagues.

You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over. – Richard Branson

Learning shouldn’t be limited to the subjects that you have some knowledge of right now, neither should it only be done using the same method over and over again. The improvements proceed to stack up if you are willing to try new methods and to continue to experiment. Learning can’t be done without making faults. If classmates seem to never make any mistake this is just a look on how they do it. For example they may not say many things wrongs, but in their preparation for the class they might have wrote the wrong response, yet at class they correct the answer to the right one after thinking it through again. At the same time there are students who rarely answer in class because of a lack of confidence. Without it they demand of themselves to be right every time. The ones answering all the time often make a mistake, but they don’t care because they know they are learning.

Learning isn’t about not making mistakes, it’s learning from mistakes. If you never attempted to start a car, and possible fail the first time, you will never be able to start it, let alone driving around with it. School seems to be focussed on not making mistakes. However the idea of traditional schooling is that you have multiple opportunities to make faults so that you can correct yourself later on. First your teacher explains it, afterwards you could get some exercises in class, then homework, after that studying for a test and/or an exam. If you didn’t exceed on the exam you potentially have a second chance at it. While parents would consider the grades are the most important rather it is what you have remembered from it after a month or even years after the exam. You don’t need to remember everything, but being able to research the correct answer later on is often enough.