How to remain hydrated

Pouring glass of water from plastic bottle on blue background
Keep drinking

Staying hydrated is important, but how can we achieve it? Drinking water is the best way to become and stay hydrated. Drinking anything else than water is contraproductive towards getting hydrated and become healthy in general.

There is a way to make it easier to drink water. Adding some additional taste to plain water helps you to consume more of it. It can go from cutting fresh mint leaves into your water, use some lemon, lime or orange juice/slices into your water. If you regularly drink soda, challenge yourself to only drink water for a certain timeframe. For example for 2 weeks. Don’t see it as a punishment, but just as a challenge to make you appreciate the water. While doing this allow yourself to add some healthy taste enhancers. Before you know it you will like the taste of it and enjoy the benefits.

Drinking water is essential to a healthy lifestyle – Stephen Curry

A different posibility to improve your hydration is by eating foods rich in minerals. When we feed ourself with the correct nutrition we stay healthy overal. We all need a little sodium in our life so our water level can remain on a healthy level. We reach a high enough sodium level by just eating normally.

Magnesium is also important to uphold your water intake. This can be achieved by eating nuts or bananas. This last one will also give you some potassium, which can also be obtained from potatoes. If you have obtained enough vitamins and minerals from your food you can also look for food that contain a lot of water. Eating fruits and vegetables are a great way to get more water in and at the same time getting minerals and vitamins.