Enjoy your downtime

Do you dislike waiting?

Life is so hectiic that whenever we have to wait for someone or something it feels like we are wasting our time. It’s true that constantly waiting for something can be boring, however since you are waiting for it anyway, you might as well make something from it.

You can easily anticipate on certain waiting moments. Travelling by airplane or train? There is a high chance you will be waiting an extended period of time. Take this time to be productive with tasks you normally are less productive. Use it to study, maybe for school or if you are a bit older learn a new language or improve the ones you already know a bit from. Alternatively you can bring a book to read, learning from the book or relaxing your mind. Sometimes we don’t know if there will be a waiting time or how long it will be. Therefore prepare yourself what to do (or not to do) during these surprising moments of waiting.

We are human beings, you need to mentally switch off now and again to refresh your body and mind. But I never just lie on the couch in my downtime, I still keep my body in good shape. – Luke Campbell

Waiting can be done in many ways and can be filled with activities that sharpen your mind or bring you to rest. Letting the time slide untill you are next to leave the waiting room seems daunting to most. However finding calmness in a waiting room for a long time allows you to stay cool in any situation. During waiting you can stay present in the moment seeing what happens around you without solely waiting. It’s a rare skill to be able to stay present while nothing special happens.

When it’s certain that you are going to have to wait a while you can prepare for it. Learn in your free time and be able to recite the knowledge to yourself. (in silence) Doing this method you can practise without losing time. A last method to feel like the time is passing quicker is by meditation. There are many ways of meditating. It’s not necessary to be sitting in a lotus position and to close your eyes. It’s enough to pay attention to your breath and stepping away from your thoughts.

The easier you can withstand waiting the more benefit you have from these times of freedom.