Health is wealth

Health is important

Without a good health we can’t do anything. We often focus on bulding wealth so that we are financially stable so we don’t have to worry anymore. However money isn’t the thing that can improve your health if you haven’t take care of it for years.

No matter what your goals are keep in mind to give the attention to your health it deserves. Striving for the goals without attending your health can cause problems. It ranges from a temporary bad health to becoming chronically ill. In the short time it gets you where you want to be, but if it’s maintained longer your health suffers too much. An example is focussing on receiving your diplome. Prioritizing this for some years and minorly paying less attention to your health is fine. However don’t make a habit from it, when you finshed your degree and going to work make sure to prioritise your health.

Health is not valued till sickness comes. – Thomas Fuller

With certain goals come sacrifices that will deliver you extra time to focus on your real goal. For example you might be focussing on building financial stability by working some extra hours at a second job sacrificing a bit on your health. If it’s a short amount of time, between 3 to 8 months will get you ahead that is no problem. Will it take longer? That is acceptable aslong as you don’t let your health suffer too much. There is no point in working 2 jobs for 5 years, having no sleep, eating bad food and end up just using the extra money to be driving an expensive car.

Health can be sacrificed for a while to reach a certain goal or to get it faster. Doing this for a short time will not ruin your health, the problem is that you don’t know when you have sacrificed your health up to a point of no return. If you have less time for sleep make sure you eat (semi-) healthy, if you are unable to eat healthy make sure to add in exercise to your daily activities. Only when we get sick ourselves or someone we love we know that health is an essential part of life. With good health we are prepared to take on any challenge, it’s a core protection. Without it we are dependant on how the situation turns out.