Character is everything

What do you stand for?

Everyone has their own set of principles. A lot can be taken from us, our job our money, our health, but what can’t be stolen is our principles. Even when everything looks bad keep your mindset the same. When you don’t lose hope you can crawl back up.

It’s easy to stick to your principles when people around you have similar ones or when everything is going your way. It is rather difficult when you are alone with your principles, it becomes even more problematic if nothing is going the way it supposed to. During adversity is when our true character shows. Falling down might hurt, but it will only cause permanent injuries if you stay down. You might temporarily lose sight of the goal and lose your hope. Make sure to dig deep and find the motivivation to get back up from within yourself.

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. – Billy Graham

If you lose your principles while falling and don’t get back up you will stay down. Adversity will show up when you least expect it. All of a sudden a family member will get sick, you get fired, you take a financial stepback. Everything comes at you at once, dropping your principles is the easy step to take. You could turn to controversial methods of earning methods but this will heart your character. Find the courage in yourself to stand up and resist the temptations.

With your strong character you refuse to believe what others tell about you. You have control over your emotions and over the situation. Only you can take steps to improve your situation. For example when you lose your job during a difficult time there are people who reach out to give a helping hand and others who will solely pity your situation. There is no reason to refuse the help, unless you know that you can get out of it yourself to heavily increase your self-confidence. Accepting the help will give you room to breath, doing it alone will give you such a confidence that later on in life you can take a breath because everyone knows that you can get up whatever happens. Don’t accept pity, it will not bring you any advantage.

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