Use your time as a benefit

Use your time wisely

The amount of time we have each day is equal to everyone. We have 24h to fill in as we please. It’s true that responsibilities require us to spend time, but yet it’s your decision if you accept the responsibilities and how long you take to finish them.

While mostly we don’t have enough time, time could also work in our favour. Especially at a younger age there is plenty of time you decide what to use it on. Are you just letting the time pass by doing nothing important or going to use it for improvement and growth? For example as young adults, while potentially still at school, we can spend some time working to improve on our skills. Something else you can do is learn new skills and improve on old ones. So that before you get to work you will have abilities that others don’t have.

Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present. – Bil Keane

Looking in the past makes us waste time, unless you learn from it and then move forward. Consider how your future should look like and what goal you need to set to reach it. Lastly there is the present, it is most overlooked time. When coming home from school or work it is too easy to drop down in your couch and watch television for hours at end. However the present is the moment you have to grab your future in your own hands to strive for anything that you desire in your life. For example if you save and invest your money now time will be on your side to have a better financial future.

If there is something that you are not so good in time allow you to adjust or to make up for the lack of experience. For example on your first job you are slower that the people working there for years. Yet because they have been there for so long they might leave work as soon as they are allowed to do so. Because you are learning it and building experience you can add some extra time to improve yourself. This can either be staying longer at work or continue to learn from home. Practise makes perfect, the more time you sacrifice the better you will become and the rewards will come in the long run.